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  • howtoeveryday 4:09 am on May 4, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , casino online,   

    How to be the VIP of Best Casino Online 

    I bet every serious online gambler wants to be part of the elite club of the VIPs. Aside from the bragging rights, you get all the pampering and special treatment which not all casino players can experience.

    If you want to become a VIP in online casinos, here are few tips you would like to consider.

    Play More Often
    This is the most common way to be a VIP for your casino. Your online casino will feel that you’re a dedicated and loyal player for trusting their site by playing with them more often.

    Be a wise bettor
    You know that you should play responsively to spend your money wisely. Betting on large cash is not the only way to increase your potential of becoming a VIP. You can be a smart player by breaking your budget and gaming schedule.

    Refer Friends
    Your online casino will surely pay you back for bringing more players on board. Make sure that people you refer also loves playing casino so they can be a part of the elite club as well.

    Read Newsletters
    Be aware of the latest news and promotions on your casino. Although newsletters can be annoying sometimes due to flooding, reading all the emails will help you find special and rare opportunities that you don’t want to miss.

    Build Relationships
    If you’re not sure if your qualified, ask your casino to check your account if you’re eligible for VIP status. You can also ask that you’re looking for an online casino who can give you best VIP offers. Online casinos will not hesitate to give you instant feedbacks and unique bids.

    Remember to be friendly to the casino staff. Consider that casino employees know the ways and special techniques to become VIP.

    Most loyalty programs are cashback offers, free chips, bonuses, exclusive reservations to games and auction points and cash back points. Best casino even offer free tickets to sports events, concerts, and hotel and restaurant reservations.

    If you want to get these perks and walk in the red carpet of online casino, signing up for these programs is the answer. Although they are not always for free, you can enjoy all the exciting freebies and amazing experience.

  • howtoeveryday 8:10 am on May 2, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , casino games,   

    How to Avoid Auto-Play in Casino Games 

    We are living in a world of speed. Pour hot water, instant food. Sugarcoat a text message, instant girlfriend. Our world offers immediate solutions promising to save time while enjoying its benefits. But it’s not always the right solution especially if we are talking about online gambling.

    Yes, when it comes to money matters, it’s better to be safe than sorry. When you play casino online, you often encounter auto play button especially when playing slots, roulette and craps. However, this button encourages you to play faster and play more rounds than the usual.

    This means that there are chances that you can enjoy express gaming but failing to notice the money that you are losing. You are not cheated here by the way but in some point, you will feel so since it takes your money in an instant.

    It’s best to be patient in playing online casino. As you observe how the game works, you also get to form strategies and be an expert in the game that you are playing. There are some websites and casino games which speed can be change in the account setting. In this way, you can outsmart the game and be a satisfied player.

    So, if you see an auto-spin function, better disable this button to avoid such money shredding activity. As a gamer, you should know the best practices which will help you survive in the field of online gambling. It’s good to be stingy but nevertheless, a smart player.

  • howtoeveryday 5:21 am on April 30, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: online blackjack, , , slot machine   

    How You Get Smart by Playing Mind Games 


    Studies show that when we reach 27 years old, our cognitive development starts to slow down. Our speed of thinking deteriorates due to lifestyle, aging, mental illness and other factors. ImageBut we can still strengthen our memory by simply playing mind games.

    When we say mind games, these are games which need mental facility to be played with. In order to win, you need to think, strategize and remember rules which actually train your mind. These games can be the usual board games and card games even in the form of software and online games.

    Surprisingly, these games are not actually boring. Because if they are, we know that they will not exist until now. You have actually played some mind games when you were a kid and even until today. Here are examples of mind games that help our minds perform better.

    Increase your vocabulary by playing crossword puzzles. You can discover more words and phrases that you never encountered before. This will help you remember the things that you have learned and encountered in the past.

    Chess is one of the most famous mind games. Every piece on the board has specific number of moves and by moving pieces recklessly will make you lose. You can only win by strategy. Well planned tactics will help you outplay your opponent.

    Talking about number games per se, Sodoku is a great example. With the need to fill the boxes ranging from 1-9 vertically, horizontally and diagonally, you need to think deeper and put ample time in solving the game.

    Also, card games are good tools in sharpening your memory and improving decision making skills. Online Blackjack is one of the different card games which you can play. Counting up to 21 is easy but you also need to establish proper combination and know what your opponent is thinking so you can win the game.

    While learning doesn’t only occur after we finished school, there are ways that we can do to have better thinking, problem solving, strategizing and patience. Learn and play more mind games so we can gain its great benefits.

    Like a well-oiled machine, our brain can perform better if there is proper maintenance and careful treatment. Although we can’t stop aging, we can at least preserve our brain and wisdom as we grow old.


  • howtoeveryday 11:10 am on April 11, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 1inch bracelets, rubber wristbands, silicone wristbands   

    How to choose the Right Rubber Wristband for You 

    With rubber wristbands becoming very popular with people of all ages, choosing the right one for you may be difficult though. So let this blog help you decide by asking you a few basic questions that you might want to consider before purchasing.

    What color would you like to have? What would you like it to say? Do you want symbols on it? Do you like it funky or formal style? How many would you want to purchase? Let’s chop down these questions and help you to decide what you would like your rubber wristband look like and say.

    What color would you like to have?

    There are wide array of imbued hues in the color wheel for you to choose from. You just have to match it according to your purpose. You can play with different colors if you wish to wear a fun bracelet for any nautical day. However you can choose a shade of pink if you are supporting a campaign for breast cancer while red is for AIDS. Black would be best if you wish to endorse any of your favorite punk superstar or band. Different colors best fit different intentions. Color variations speak different meanings.

    What would you like it to say?

    The message is very important. What your rubber wristband wants to speak about clearly shows your intended whys and wherefores. You can just simply put your name on it or tag in different core values you wish to exhibit. It could be a name of your school, an organization or any supported foundation. Anything will do as long as it is what you want.

    Do you want symbols on it?

    Signs, symbols or character could be anything from hearts to skullcaps. If you are having wristbands to show your support for your school organization, then your symbol could be your school badge or emblem. This is wear your creativity and artistic imagination must show off.

    Do you like it funky or formal style?

    Different types of silicone wristbands vary upon the implied intention. Show appropriateness by matching the rubber wristband with the occasion.

    How many would you like to purchase?

    Finally, you will now decide how many rubber wristbands you would like to buy. There you go. You now have your own customized rubber wristband.

    It is easier than ever to make your own, personalized, rubber wristband! So grab one and join in the fun!

  • howtoeveryday 8:47 am on April 2, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: dubai moving company   

    How to Style Your Condo 

    Designing your own space seems hard at first glance. You have to consider time and money. But, there are practical ways where you can save on both. Follow these simple steps that will help you style your condominium which suits your needs and personality. Plus, it will also look artistic and professionally designed.

    Eliminate clutter
    What is more relaxing than having a neat and organized condo? You will not only save space but also have peace of mind. Start by taking out things that you don’t need or don’t frequently use such as old furniture, appliances, wall hangings and even old clothes.

    With this, you can also rediscover new angles and spaces where you can have new ideas of designing you condo.

    Pick the right color
    Colors reflect your personality. And you might think that choosing the color describing you the most is the best plan – but not in condo designing. If you want to some space, you can include illusions on your wall by choosing the right colors.

    Lighter colors make your home appear more spacious. On the other hand, black, white and a touch of bright colors are in trend since minimalist designs in home decoration are today’s fashion.

    Use space savers
    A single condo unit’s basic measure is 24 square feet which includes kitchen, dining area, living room, bedroom and bathroom. So, you might think of having multifunctional and space saving furniture.

    There are pieces that looks like a dining table but with just little slides and folds, turns into a kitchen sink. Some cabinets even turn into bed with some push and pull.

    Also remember to choose items that would look well on the colors of your walls—this would prevent the furniture from looking out of place. You can add mirrors on the walls to make you unit more spacious.

    If you’re just moving into a new condo unit, might as well hire a professional moving company. Excellent Movers LLC is a top choice Dubai moving company.

    Having the right decoration to your unit makes it unique and stylish at the same time. However, do not over accessorize it. Keep in mind that simplicity is beauty.

    You can add pillows, mats, and curtains that match the colors of your condo. You can also include vases and picture frames to complete the decors of your home.

    Hang items that matter. Do not put too much paintings and certificates on your wall. You don’t want to make your house look like a family museum and return your condo on being cluttered.

    With these simple tips, your house will look posh and designed by a professional interior designer. Just remember to clean and tweak your condo for comfort and better living.

  • howtoeveryday 3:24 am on March 28, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: rubber bracelets   

    Event Souvenirs Ideas 

    Each event has unforgettable moments and the best way to remember these events is through souvenirs.  If you’re planning to participate or better yet organize a small occasion such as sports event, fundraising or awareness campaign, here are some easy and hassle free souvenir ideas.

    Flags and hand wavers
    These are one of the most famous giveaways of any event especially sports. Guests can use these to cheer their respective teams and post or frame it on their walls afterwards.

    Caps and hats
    You can use these not only for sporting events but also for building awareness.  Caps and hats can be use after the event. The message indicated on them can help convey the message to your audience.

    Made of carton and paper, this is famous for sporting events. Aside from cheering, it is also used to bother the opposing team such as the famous Vuvuzela during World Football Cup in South Africa.

    Pens are widely used all over the world. And if you want people to be reminded of your message or simply remember you, use pens as your souvenir. Print any message on it and people will surely think of you every time they take down notes.

    If you remember the message ‘Livestrong’, then you know the yellow rubber bracelet by the nonprofit organization of the cyclist Lance Armstrong who despite battling cancer won Tour de France stages.

    You can use ballers as souvenirs for your guests because you can carve messages, event name, or anything you want. You can also choose your own colors and design from 1inch Bracelets and have immediate delivery. This ballers are hip for teens and athletes nowadays.

    Activity packs
    Just like goodie bags, activity packs are filled with exciting things that participants can use during the event. For sporting events, these can contain clothes that they will wear such as head bands, ballers and number tags. For all other events, you can put your souvenirs in it. You can even insert a card to acknowledge their attendance and participation in your event.

    In all of the items above, make sure you are creative as possible. Be unique and at the same time resourceful. Remember that souvenir is one of the most anticipated parts of any event.

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